There are young animals everywhere on the plains including in the Marsh Pride of lions who have been feeding well on the resident zebra.
At Loldia our guests have been enjoying rewarding day trips to Lake Nakuru National Park and some have had lucky leopard sightings close to Loldia House.
In Rwanda managers Wendy and Finlay took a trek to see the Hirwa Gorilla family and got a few unexpected surprises along the way and on Mfangano island the short rains have arrived and there is a flurry of activity in the gardens and the birds are busy nesting and raising their young.
We are delighted to announce that Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge and Governors Camp have made the exclusive lost of Conde Nast top hotels in the World, Africa and Kenya. We have some wonderful special offers in place for you to take advantage of and come on a safari with us.