Soulcare & Partner Offerings

71420186RnCkoDdDo you have a loved one who has struggled with addiction, or have you struggled with an addiction yourself? Addictions can be one of the hardest battles we fight in a lifetime...

eggs.jpeg1In today's world, eggs are considered a household staple. Unfortunately, eggs are no longer the incredible survival food they once were...

Barley-Grass-800x600The power of knowing the truth cannot be underestimated, especially when it comes to healing from these diseases that have plagued so many people for so many years.

MuschroomsFrom improved cognitive function and reduced fatigue to better exercise performance and recovery, the benefits of mushrooms are endless...

630x355The guide offers three-day itineraries for visitors who cannot stay longer, provides QR codes throughout that link to informative videos, maps of the entire Cape Peninsula and available transport options, and much more...


To get the better of any illness your immune system needs to be performing at its best. We have picked: Camu for vitamin C and GABA to support your immune system, provide antioxidant and anti-inflammation power and promote calmness in the body...

Healthy systemThere's no way humankind could physically evolve faster than the forces we are up against. And that's because instead of our bodies advancing, everything wrong about the world is evolving...

Easy-Potatoes-4-Ways-Boiled-Potatoes-1-Ashley-Fehr-7-2017-Web-ResPotatoes are an incredible healing food for any chronic illness, symptom, or condition, but sadly, potatoes get a bad and unfair rap.

 Super Chia Berry Bowl

The name says it all really - the Super Chia Berry Bowl is a delicious combination of our Super Chia Vanilla breakfast blend and lots of fresh antioxidant rich berries...



"We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. "