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dna activation meditatoin How would these findings relate to the health of our teeth? Well (perhaps surprisingly to some), our teeth contain DNA (in fact, DNA from dental material is used in forensic medicine, research on millennia-old mummies, in murder investigations etc.)
DNA activation

DNA activation

What is the Pellowah Healing Technique ©The Purpose of Pellowah is to help you achieve your highest potential.

Pellowah empowers you and increases your personal capacity for positive change. The name Pellowah is angelic for Radical Shift in Consciousness.
Although this is an Angelic word, it is not healing from the Angelic Kingdom. This healing is from the highest level of Spirit that we can access at this time. It is the purest energy, the ultimate light.The Australian spiritual teacher Kachina Ma’an founded Pellowah. She was directed by spirit through a series of dreams and visions to channel this healing technique, and give it the name Pellowah.

Pellowah is 100% pure, and is not filtered through the practitioner. It is direct energy between the person receiving the healing and spirit. There is no interpretation or diagnosis from the practitioner – it is simple, yet powerful. The practitioner has received the Pellowah energy attunements that allow him or her to initiate the Pellowah energy and hold the healing space for the receiving person.
This form of healing connects all 12 strands of DNA, unblocks and realigns the meridians within the body – producing a stronger connection to the Divine and a greater sense of wellbeing.

DNA activation

PQQ is a powerful antioxidant
Nature has provided us with a nutrient that can triple … even quadruple … your energy in just a few days. It works by massively increasing the number of cellular “engines” you have. Then it protects those engines and keeps them humming along.These engines are your mitochondria. They’re tiny, independent cells within your cells. Their job is to take nutrients and make energy for you.

Not just energy to run around but also for pumping blood, blinking, and even reading the menu and deciding what to order.But the same thing happens to mitochondria over time that happens to an old car engine. Oxidation (in a car it’s called rust) breaks down the engines so they don’t run as well, or produce as much power. You also have fewer of these engines as you age, and they’re undersized, and degraded.
The food with the most PQQ is natto. Natto is the Japanese fermented soy product (without all the processed soy waste like there is in Western soy foods).
Eggs are the next best food for PQQ, which is one of the reasons eggs are a perfect food.

The herb parsley has some PQQ.Kiwi, a fruit with lots of healthy fat, also has a small amount of PQQ.Green tea has PQQ in it, too, to go along with its other health benefits.
Beyond that, you get some in green peppers, and whiskey.

A Steady Diet of Quantum Nutrients

"When we have negative emotions such as anger, anxiety and dislike or hate, or think negative thoughts such as ‘I hate my job,’ ‘I don’t like so and so’ or ‘Who does he think he is?’, we experience stress and our energy reserves are redirected," an article on IHM’s website explains.
This causes a portion of our energy reserves, which otherwise would be put to work maintaining, repairing and regenerating our complex biological systems, to instead confront the stresses these negative thoughts and feelings create.

"In contrast," the article continues, "when we activate the power of our hearts’ commitment and intentionally have sincere feelings such as appreciation, care and love, we allow our hearts’ electrical energy to work for us. Consciously choosing a core heart feeling over a negative one means instead of the drain and damage stress causes to our bodies’ systems, we are renewed mentally, physically and emotionally.
The more we do this the better we’re able to ward off stress and energy drains in the future. Heartfelt positive feelings fortify our energy systems and nourish the body at the cellular level.Positive, loving caring thought will Heal the heart

DNA strands could be influenced by human intention.
The heart, which generates a much stronger electromagnetic field than the brain’s, provides the energetic field that binds together the higher dimensional structures and the body’s many systems as well as its DNA. Epi – Greek for "besides" – combines with the word,genetics, to essentially mean "something more than genetics." That "something more" is widely held today to refer to our environment – thus meaning that our genetic code and the environment in which we develop determine who and what we are.